John Chapman's Scrap Mechanic Guide

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About Scrap Mechanic

Scrap Mechanic is a sandbox video game developed for Windows by Swedish game studio and publisher, Axolot Games, in which players can build machines, vehicles, and buildings, and share their creations online. Wikipedia entry

  • It's available on Steam
  • It can be single player or multiplayer
  • You can play in creative or survival mode
  • Players can create challenge games for others to solve
  • There are mods available for the game

Starting Scrap Mechanic


It uses standard video game keyboard controls:

W = Forward
S = Back
A = Left
D= Right
Spacebar = Jump
Ctrl = Crouch/Crawl
I = Inventory
E = Action
Shift = Sprint
Scroll wheel/Number keys = Select item from hotbar

Q = rotate item before placing
X = Zoom out
C = Zoom in
L = Logbook
H = Handbook/Help

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If you find these pages useful you can return the favour by downloading a FREE ebook from Amazon - even if you don't read it, it will help our rankings! I think you'll probably like it though.

It's the first book of a series of 9 books (so far) which tell the story of how life on Earth was saved from a cataclysmic extinction when a rogue planetoid collides with Earth in 7141. This first book deals with how humanity was made immortal, giving us the incentive to do something about an event so far in the future.

Take a touch of humour, add some genetic science and nanotechnology. Steep with conspiracy and stir in murder and despair. Season with romance between three people in a secret location. Garnish with morality.

The result is 'Immortality Gene', the first in a novel series by John and Shelia Chapman. The ebook of book 1 is FREE and available at multiple retailers


You are a mechanic sent to fix the robots on a farming world which has been almost destroyed by a natural disaster. On arrival your spaceship is damaged also and crash lands. You find yourself in a survival situation where the robots on the world will try to kill you. You must defend yourself, obtain food and drink and use your skills to construct machines. In the world there are farmers who have been trapped and caged by robots and a trader who will help you release them and trade with you for more advanced items including weapons.


About this guide

There are many brilliant video guides to playing Scrap Mechanic available on Youtube and Reddit but many of them are difficult to follow and fail to explain the creations, especially logic gates and controls. This guide sets out to provide step-by-step instructions in written format. If I fail to explain, please let me know and I'll try to correct things. Contact me on Twitter - I'm @JChapman1729 there or Mastodon

  1. Put out the crashed ship fire
  2. Start growing some food
  3. Find the missing ship power cell
  4. Find the mechanic station
  5. Build a crafting machine, build a better crafting machine
  6. Get some wood
  7. Get some stone and metal
  8. Secure the mechanic station
  9. Get wax and glue to make things
  10.  Make more advanced metals
  11.  Grow crops for trade
  12.  Build a transport vehicle
  13.  Package your crops
  14.  Find  the Trader and trade your crops for more seeds
  15.  Grow higher level crops
  16.  Find and rescue caged farmers, take them to the Trader
  17.  Package  and  trade higher level crops for more advanced weapons
  18.  Make more advanced vehicles and equipment
  19.  Automate
  20.  Explore
Or maybe a free online interactive adventure story?

Back in 1982 early text only adventure games were being written for home computers. One such game was 'Castle of Riddles' written by Peter Killworth and published by Acornsoft. Now it's been re-written and greatly expanded with added images and sound. Play it on your computer, tablet or even a phone.
Check it out at


Problems with game lag? Set your graphics options like this:

Next page - Setting up and getting started.

Want a short story instead?
I've written a number of short time travel stories. Each is 99p/99¢ and great for taking a break from Scrap Mechanic.
Check them out at

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