John Chapman's Scrap Mechanic Guide

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Crafting in Scrap Mechanic

To make new items in Scrap Mechanic you first need to make your way to the mechanic station and create a craftbot there. The craftbot is a little tedious to use though. You have to stand over it and tell it, an item at a time, to craft and then, an item at a time, remove it once made. I find it better to use the craftbot to make water containers from buckets of water and then to use it to make an autocrafter which is much more versatile. The autocrafter can work without you standing over it and, it has the advantage that it will recycle items too. Making the craftbot and autocrafter was covered here.

So what can you make?

Here's the items I use from the Fant autocrafter in the order they appear. I've skipped some particularly useless items such as the scrap wheel (which rolls almost as well as a square one). Where an item can be upgraded with component kits, I've shown the level 1 item only.

Item to craft Image To make: Requires Weight Durability Friction Buoyancy Note
Cardboard       1 1 4 2 Feed it to a glowslug to get glowslug poop
Wood 1 10 15 scrap wood 2 3 5 6  
Wood 2 10 15
wood 1
5 7 4 5  
 1  Metal 2
Wood 3 10 15
Wood 2
2 6 5 9  
 1  Metal 3
Metal 1 10 15 Scrap metal 5 5 4 4  
Metal 2 10 15
Metal 1
5 7 4 5  
 1  Ember
 2  Water
Metal 3 10 20
Metal 2
5 8 4 6  
 2  Ember
 4  Water
Sand 10 5 Stone 6 1 4 1  
Glass 10 10
1 Ember
3 1 3 5  
Net block 1 2 Metal 1
2 3 3 1  You can make it but it's an item easilly collected from the trading shacks. It's not too useful though and better as a source of metal 1.
Barrier block 10 10
Wood 1
2 2 4 7  Sometimes useful for marking steps and other places which are hard to see.
 1  Paint ammo
Bubble plastic 10 5 Crude oil 1 1 4 8  Obviously you can expect this to float well.
Beacon 1 5 Scrap metal 4 1 4 0  
Switch 1 1
Scrap metal
2 3 5 2 Toggle action
 1  Circuit board
Button 1 1
Scrap metal
2 3 5 2 On while pressed
 1  Circuit board
Sensor 1 1 1
Metal 1
3 3 5 2 Detects other objects at varying distance
 1  Glass
 Circuit board
 2  Glue
Off-road suspension 1 1 10
Metal 2
0 5 5 0  
 2  Crude oil
Piston 1 1 10
Metal 2
Crude oil
Circuit board
Component kit
0 4 5 0  
Gas engine 1 1 20
Metal 1
Crude oil
Circuit board
Component kit
8 4 5 2 Upgrade with 2 component kits to get more connections
Electric engine 1 1 20
Metal 2
Circuit board
Component kit
7 4 5 2 Upgrade with 2 component kits to get more connections
Driver's seat 1 1 10
5 3 5 2 Upgrade with 2 component kits to get more connections
 5  Metal 1
 3  Circuit board
 1  Component kit
Seat 1 1 10
Cotton 3 3 5 2 Upgrade with 2 component kits to get more connections. Can be connected to switches.
 5  Metal1
 2  Circuit board
Toilet 1 5
Metal 1
Wood 1
2 3 3 4 Can use it to teleport short distances. Can connect switches
Thruster 1 1 40
Metal 3
8 5 5 2 Needs gas fuel. For flying. Upgradable.
 10  Component kit
Controller 1 1 5
Metal 1
3 3 5 2 Controls bearings and pistons. Upgradable for more connections and speed
 5  Circuit board
 1  Component kit
 3  Glue
Logic gate 1 1
Metal 1
2 3 5 2 Press E to change type of gate
 1  Circuit board
 1  Glue
Timer 1 2
Metal 1
Circuit board
2 3 5 4  
Radio 1 2 Metal 1
2 3 5 4 Plays music but more useful for making beacons
 2  Circuit board
 1  Glue
Beacon 1 10
Metal 2
3 6 3 2 Helps find marked objects. Can be toggled in logbook (L) which also shows distance. Place it somewhere bots can't reach it.
 1 Radio
 10  Circuit board
Bed 1 50
Wood 1 3 3 4 6 Essential portable spawn point. Resets time to daylight when used.
 20  Cotton
 10  Paint ammo
Dressbot  1 5 metal 3 7 7 6 1 Produces clothes using cotton and garment boxes
2 circuit board
1 component kit
Vegiburger 1 2 carrot 2 1 4 7 Restores health hunger and thirst completely
1 red beet
1 potato
1 tomato
Connect tool 1 10
scrap metal
        Essential tool
2 circuit board
Paint tool 1 10 metal 1         Used for decoration and some control objects 
5 glass
3 component kit
Weld tool 1 20 metal 2         Helpful if you make a mistake or need to join items 
circuit board
component kit
Fridge 1 10 metal 1 3 4 6 A small fridge ideal for vehicles
circuit board
Large chest 1 60 metal1 Holds up to 30 items
circuit board
component kit
Vacuum pump  1 10 metal1  5  A pump which sucks or blows and which has an include/exclude filter
circuit board
component kit
Vacuum pipe 1 metal 2 3 3 2 6 Straight glass pipe. Press 'Q' to change length.
10 glass
1 circuit board
Vacuum pipe corner 1 metal 2 3 3 2 6 Bent glass pipe. Press 'Q' to change orientation.
10 glass
2 circuit board
Gas container 1 20  metal 1 5 Holds 100 fuel 
5 circuit board
10  paint ammo
2 glue
Battery container 1 20  metal2 5 Holds 100 batteries 
10 circuit board
10 paint ammo
2 glue
Water container 1 10  metal 1 5 Holds 100 water 
10 wax 
circuit board
2 glue
Chemical container 1 10  metal2 5 Holds 100 chemicals for chemical gun - a device only useful in PVP games
20  glass
circuit board
2 glue
Fertilizer container 1 10  metal2 5 Holds 100 fertilizer 
10  wax
circuit board
2 glue
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Item to craft Image To make: Requires Weight Durability Friction Buoyancy Note
Water Cannon 1 10  metal 2 5 5 4 2   Useful for autowatering systems and construction of autofarmers
10 Wax
10 component kit
Saw 1 10 metal 2 5 7 2 1 Essential component of tree felling machines
20 metal 1
Drill 1 20
Metal 2
2 Essential component for extracting metal and rock from cuboid rocks 
30 Metal 1 
Bucket  1 5 Scrap metal n/a n/a n/a n/a Essential during the early stages of the game for collecting liquids
Soil bag  1 10  wood 1  2 4 If you can't find them in buildings and farm plots you can make them 
10  sand 
Fertilizer 1 10
carrot seed 2 2 4 7 Makes plants grow faster but not essential 
10 tomato seed 
10 beet seed 
Gas (petrol)  1 1 Crude oil  2 2 4 7 Fuel 
battery 1 10 scrap metal 2 2 4 7 Component for many electrical devices
5 glowslug poop 
5 chemicals
Glue  1 1 Glue clam 4 2 4 3 text
Water 1 1 bucket of water 2 2 4 7 Watering plants. Making metal 
Chemical 1 1 bucket of chemicals 2 24 Raw material for plastics. Easier to get using a vacuum pump in a chemical pool or by recycling plastics 
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Item to craft Image To make: Requires Weight Durability Friction Buoyancy Note

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